4 Ways To Care For Your Mental Health When You Can't See A Therapist

Your mental health is so important, but it's not always possible to see a therapist in person. Here are four ways you can take care of your mental health when you can't see a psychologist:

1. Exercise

Exercise is one way that you can care for your body. It gets your blood pumping, conditions your heart, and releases endorphins. According to Psychology Today, regular exercise can help to treat depression. It can even prevent depression. You don't need to become a bodybuilder; even moderate exercise such as walking will yield benefits. This is one step that you can take on any budget.

2. Get adequate sleep

Sleeping is so important for good health. While you sleep, your body and brain repair themselves. When you don't sleep, you're irritable and more susceptible to mental illness. People with insomnia are ten times more likely to become depressed than the average person, writes the National Sleep Foundation. Take care of your mind by going to sleep at a reasonable hour each night. Turn off your screens one hour before bedtime to give your body time to wind down. If you still have a hard time sleeping, try taking a warm bath right before bed.

3. Explore online options

You can still get professional help even if seeing someone in person isn't an option. There are many online and virtual online psychiatry for house staff options you can explore. If you have severe depression or anxiety and think you may need medication, get in touch with an online psychiatrist. Online psychiatrists have the same credentials as any other doctor, and they can assess you and design a treatment plan that's right for you.

4. Find free counseling

Sometimes it helps to talk to someone about your problems. You may not feel comfortable confiding in your friends and loved ones, and that's perfectly fine. If possible, try to find free counseling near you. You may be able to find free group counseling sessions through community organizations. Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous are available if you have substance abuse issues. Some religious groups also offer free counseling.

Mental illness can carry a stigma with it, but you don't need to be ashamed of seeking help. Learning to take care of your mental health is the first step in living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. These four suggestions can help you manage your mental illness when you're unable to see a therapist.
